Bluenose Bulletin June Edition

The Bluenose Bulletin for June is available here.

Free access to AA Grapevine

Grapevine and La Viña Celebrate Founders’ Day with Free Access from May 26 through June 10, 2021.

On June 10, 1935, Dr. Bob had his last drink and that day marks the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous. Since so many meetings are still closed, and groups have limited ability to celebrate our founding, Grapevine and La Viña will help mark this important date by giving everyone free access to our websites for two weeks. You will be able to read and listen to stories from current and past issues, access our sobriety calculator, read the daily quote, learn how you can contribute your story, and find ways to serve others using Grapevine and La Viña magazines.

Please share this news with other members.

For free access from May 26 through June 10, 2021 visit: |

Link to original announcement

Meeting list page problems

Hello! We are experiencing problems with the meeting list App that we use to generate our meeting list page. For this reason I have posted a PDF file that contains all meetings and the Zoom links are clickable.

We will restore a full featured meeting list page as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding.

Your Webmaster.

Bluenose Bulletin May Edition

The May edition of our Bluenose Bulletin is available here.

55th NS AA Provincial Roundup

Early Bird Flyer

Hosted by Districts 3 & 17

Saturday June 12th, 2021

Theme: “AA in a Time of Change”

All meetings will be on-line.

There will be Al-Anon participation.

Open at 8:30am, meetings start at 9:00, ending at 7:00pm

Detailed schedule to follow, check area 82 website.

Download Flyer

District 1 Area 82 Zoom Workshop

Safety and A.A.: Our Common Welfare

Presented by Jan L. (Eastern Canada Regional Trustee)

All welcome to attend. Bring a friend or two.
Look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday May 26, 2021
at 6:00 -7:00 p.m. Atlantic Time

Zoom ID: 753 798 8280
Password: Service

Zoom link

Download Flyer

Bluenose Bulletin April Edition

The April edition of our Bluenose Bulletin can be found here.


September 24th 2021. Due to the increase number of COVID-19 cases it was decided that for health reasons this workshop will not take place.

Moderator  Bill P. Member Step 11 Meditation Group

Sunday – APRIL 25, 2021
2pm – 3:30pm

Club 24, 3 Dundas St Dartmouth, NS

Hosted by: Michael A. ALT-DCM2

Download flyer

Literature Store Opening Hours Change

Literature Store hours will change effective April 2021. It will be closed on the Easter weekend and reopened on every Friday from 5-7 pm at the same location at 3 Dundas Street, basement door, starting Friday April 9.

AA In a Time of Change

Pre-Conference Workshop

Learn what will be discussed at the virtual General Service Conference in 2021, and how it will affect AA as a whole. Help your Area 82 Delegate carry an informed Group Conscience. Take an interest in the future of your AA community, and help inform your home groups.

March 27th, 2021
10:00 am – 4:00pm AST
Meeting ID: 899 6213 5907

One tap mobile
+14388097799,,89962135907# Canada
+15873281099,,89962135907# Canada



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