April Bluenose Bulletin

The newsletter for April is now available.


The phone committee is in need of people to help with the daytime phone.
In addition, this committee also needs groups to volunteer to help with the weekend phone rotation.
Contact Michael A 902-402-3862 (Text/VM)

District 2 Workshop

Bridging the Gap

with Corrections, Detox and Phone chair participation

When: April 10, 2022 1pm-3pm

Where: Club 24, 3 Dundas St. Dartmouth

Get flyer here

Armed Forces Members Interview Project

From: Tom H., Class B trustee
To: Trustees, Directors and Delegates

The Trustees’ Committee on Cooperation with the Professional Community/Treatment and Accessibilities is
initiating the production of more interviews from members of the United States and Canadian Armed Forces.

The goal of this effort is to improve A.A.’s outreach and identification with members of the U.S. and Canadian
military. A major part of this work will be the production of several audio/video products where individual
A.A. members who are currently serving or recently retired will share their experience with particular emphasis on recovery in A.A. while serving in the military.|

This letter is a call for volunteers who are willing to help in this important work.

We are looking for A.A. members who are willing to be interviewed for this project. We would like to have
representation from all Services from Canada and the U.S. The aim is to have recovered A.A. members from
all ranks, all across the spectrum of age, gender, orientation and varied operational experience speak to what it is like to recover and stay sober while serving in the military. Topics which we hope to highlight would likely
include but not be limited to: staying sober while deployed, perceptions of prejudice toward sober people, fears of negative impact on a person’s career if they become a non-drinker and dealing with stresses and psychological impacts unique to military deployments and experiences. We’re also looking for A.A. members
who wish to help find those who might be good candidates to be interviewed.

A.A. Members who wish to learn more about this project or to volunteer to participate in the interview process can contact our U.S. and Canadian points of contact by email at: militaryoutreach@aa.org

Please share this announcement and call for volunteers as widely as you can with A.A. Members and Trusted Servants throughout the Fellowship. The anonymity of all involved will maintained.

Tom H.
Class B trustee

District 1, Area 82, Service Workshop

Circles of Love & Service

When: Wednesday March 30th 6-7pm AST

Where: Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7537988280?pwd=L01KMHIvcVc3WXBEWTAzNGlhZWdBZz09

Download Flyer here

Grapevine Kit Missing

UPDATE: The kit has been found!!
District 1 is looking for the Grapevine Presentation Kit which is missing. Perhaps it was at your homegroup when Covid-19 hit and we went into shut down? It is a very large plywood kit with hinges and a handle. It opens up to stand up with lots of interesting Grapevine Information inside. Many of you may remember seeing this at Round-ups and other district AA events. If you remember seeing it recently – or have it stored at your group, please let me know. Thank you!
In Service,KathyG – AltDCM1.AAHalifax@gmail.com

Contributions to Central Service

The Central Service Committee is now set up to accept e-transfers from groups and individuals (7th tradition). Funds will be automatically deposited.  Send your e-transfer to: Treasurer.aahalifax@gmail.com

District 1 and Central Service Minutes

The minutes for the Feb District 1 and March Central Service meetings have been posted.
Use tab Service>Meeting Minutes to view.

Bluenose Bulletin March edition is available

Our Bluenose Bulletin for March is available here.

District 1, Area 82, Service Workshop


Presented by Dale S., Ontario
All welcome to attend!

Wednesday / January 26th
6-7pm Atlantic Time

Meeting ID: 753 798 8280

Download flyer here

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