We are having the next NS Provincial Roundup 2025 committee meeting Saturday Dec 14 at 1:00 pm at club 24 and will continue the third Saturday of each month. The Roundup is to be held in June 2025. We now have a committee, but need helpers! Please come hear what is it all about.
May 27 2024
Area 82 Active Area Committees Meeting
Last Monday of Each Month
Are you interested in contributing to your Recovery through Service ?
The Area 82 Active Area Committee Meeting is held via Zoom on the last
Monday of each month.
The meeting will open at 6:00 pm NS time, 6:30 NL time at the following
Zoom link.
The purpose of the regular monthly meeting is to share our combined
experiences in Committee work throughout Area 82 with the goals of ;
- Keeping the Area 82 membership informed of Service Committee activ-
ities Area wide - Identifying opportunities where we (as an Area) can better carry the AA
Recovery message - Helping new committees during their formation (both materially and
with experience) - Sharing Service ideas from the more experienced folks in Districts
where Committees are well established
Sep 28 2023
Understanding AA and Spirituality
GSO has released a letter about AA and spirituality. Click here to read that release.
Jun 27 2023
Join CPC committee
Do you want to add to your sobriety and enjoy fellowship while providing service? The CPC committee needs you.
Please see this appeal from the CPC Chair
Jun 19 2023
What is the AA Service Manual?
BM-31 A.A. Service Manual/Twelve Concepts for World Services
Two titles in a single booklet. The A.A. Service Manual opens with history of A.A. services, then explains the General Service Conference structure and its year-round importance. Chapters cover the roles of GSRs, DCMs, delegates, directors and trustees, as well as what happens at GSO and Grapevine. The Twelve Concepts for World Service, written by A.A. co-founder Bill W., are an interpretation of A.A.’s world service structure as it emerged through A.A.’s early history and experience.
Link to the AA Service Manual PDF
General Service Conference-approved.
Apr 21 2023
Stimulating Interest in General Service
Most A.A. members are primarily interested in their groups, in their own sobriety, and in helping other drunks one-on-one. And that is as it should be. While the work of general service has precisely the same objective — carrying the message to the alcoholic who still suffers — the connection is not always direct or obvious. Some stimulators are usually needed to get the attention of A.A. members — to show them that service can add a rich dimension to their sober lives and Twelfth Step work, and that their participation is vital to the future of A.A.
Good communication is of vital importance. In personal Twelfth Step work, there is no end to communication. The sponsor talks with the drunk; speakers share their experience; we share with each other. But when it comes to general service work, communication has a tendency to break down. It can take hard work to get the attention of alcoholics, but with a creative approach, they can be encouraged to take time out from the nuts and bolts of recovery to think about another phase of their new lives. Once A.A. members are well informed about service, they often want to become involved and to take on their own service responsibilities.
In many areas, the delegate and area committee members make themselves available to visit groups or district meetings and talk about general service. Workshops on the Traditions, Concepts or other aspects of service are often an effective way of spreading the word of service. Sometimes two or more districts will work together to sponsor a service event.
Mar 14 2023
Mandatory Masks in all Treatment Facilities
A reminder to all groups who go into Detox, Forensics and the Marguerite Centre. Masks are mandatory in these facilities so please bring and wear a mask while on these premises. This is a rule for all Nova Scotia Health facilities.
Mar 14 2023
Roll of the Service Sponsor
The service sponsor begins by encouraging the member to become active in their home group — coffee, literature, cleanup, attending business or intergroup meetings, etc. The service sponsor should keep in mind that all members will not have the desire or qualifications to move beyond certain levels and, thus, the service sponsor might help find tasks appropriate to individuals’ skills and interests. Whatever level of service one performs, all are toward the same end — sharing the overall responsibilities of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Eventually, the service sponsor encourages the individual member interested in this form of service to attend district meetings and to read about the history and structure of Alcoholics Anonymous. At this point, the individual beginning this work should begin to understand the responsibilities of service work, as well as feel the satisfaction of yet another form of Twelfth Step work. Such individuals should be encouraged to take an active part in district activities and consider being elected to alternate positions in the district so as to learn about the responsibilities of various jobs in the service structure.
During this process it is important for the individual to continue to learn about the Three Legacies — Recovery, Unity and Service, and to understand that the principle of rotation not only allows them to move on in service, but also gives newer members the privilege of serving. Rotation also allows them to understand that no one should hold on to a position of trust long enough to feel a proprietary interest and thereby discourage newcomers from service.
Co-founder Dr. Bob said, “I spend a great deal of time passing on what I learned to others who want and need it badly. I do it for four reasons: 1. Sense of duty. 2. It is a pleasure. 3. Because in doing so I am paying my debt to the man who took time to pass it on to me. 4. Because every time I do it I take out a little more insurance for myself against a possible slip. “The basis of all sponsorship is to lead by example.
Service sponsors can impart to their sponsees the pleasure of involvement in the work of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is best done by stressing the spiritual nature of service work and by pointing out the usefulness of simple footwork and faith. Now, through knowledge and experience, the newer member is aware that service is our most important product after sobriety. With this knowledge, the individual is able to share their vision with others and ensure the future of Alcoholics Anonymous.
From – Pamphlet #15 Pages, 25-27 – Q&A on Sponsorship
Feb 24 2023
Groups Wanted — Help Share the Message of Recovery!
Treatment Committee needs more groups to participate in putting on meetings at 3 facilities: Detox, Forensics and, for women only, the Marguerite Centre.
Your group does not need to have a GSR or CSR in order to qualify for this service work. We just need your group to make the commitment to help in any of these facilities.
To sign up or ask questions, please contact the Treatment chair Gilles Duhamel at (902)403-7305 or email Treatment.aahalifax@gmail.com
Feb 13 2023
Roll of the group GSR
The A.A. Group – The Final Voice of the Fellowship Alcoholics Anonymous through the General Service Representative
The role of the General Service Representative, or GSR, is essential to the purpose of the general service. Bill W. wrote in Concept 1 of the Twelve Concepts for World Service, ” The A.A. groups today hold ultimate responsibility and final authority of our world services.” The GSR is the link between the group and A.A.
In Area 82, District 1 ( Halifax Area), District 2 ( Dartmouth Area) groups traditionally elect a GSR. as described in The A.A. Service Manual. It is also advisable for the GSR to have an informed Alternate GSR who can serve as a substitute when the GSR is unable to carry out their responsibilities.
In cases where a group does not have a GSR, that group’s collective conscience (group voice) and its participation in AA are severely limited in matters affecting A.A. as a whole.
For more information, see the pamphlet “The A.A. Group, pamphlet P-16 https://www.aa.org/sites/default/files/literature/assets/p-16_theaagroup.pdf and “The A.A. Service Manual – https://www.aa.org/aa-service-manualtwelve-concepts-world-services