District 2 April Workshop
District 2, Area 82, Service Workshop Presented by Amy A. Alt DCM District 2The Group Conscience: Exploring Tradition Two Using The Traditions Checklist Sunday, April 13th 2 pmClub 24, 3 Dundas Street Refreshments will be available.
District 1 March Workshop
District 1, Area 82, Service Workshop Presented by Paul B, Central Service ChairA BREAKDOWN OF CENTRAL / DISTRICT SERVICE All welcome to attend!Wednesday March 26th6 – 7pm Atlantic Time Meeting ID: 753 798 8280PW: SERVICE https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7537988280?pwd=L01KMHIvcVc3WXBEWTAzNGlhZWdBZz09
Nova Scotia Provincial Roundup!
“Foundations of Freedom” Friday June 6 and Saturday June 7, 2025 St. James United Church Hall. Click here to register and to find all details!
Central Service needs your help!!
There are several positions that need to be filled: Secretary of the committee plus chairs of Literature, Telephones, Public Information, and Entertainment. Plus we need co-chairs for many of the subcommittees. Service is an amazing way to give back to this program! Please come and learn more at the next Central Service meeting (first Tues …
Bridgewater May Day!
“New Freedom, New Happiness” COME SHARE WITH US BRIDGEWATER MAY DAY! SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2025 Holy Trinity Anglican Parish Hall – Home of the Action Group 78 Alexandra Avenue Bridgewater, Nova Scotia REGISTRATION STARTS AT 9:00 AM Meetings all day starting at 9:30 AM Guest Speaker 6:30 PM Lunch and Supper provided (vegetarian option available) …
March Bluenose Bulletin Available
The March newsletter is now available from the Newsletter page.
The AA Phone Committee needs you!
“Our very lives, as ex-problem drinkers, depend upon our constant thought of others and how we may help meet their needs.” – Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions One way you can make a tangible difference is lend a hand to the AA Phone Committee! The Committee is looking for people who can carry and answer the …
Auditions for play to be presented at NS Provincial Roundup Jun 7
We are excited to announce auditions for the Canadian premiere of the play, “Bill W. and Lois W., Their Journey in Letters”, a play that takes us on a journey from when Bill and Lois met, fell in love, their journey through Bill’s alcoholism and recovery and the fellowship of AA and Al-Anon being formed. The play …